How can I access and express my unique experience?

You may not have asked yourself this question directly, but you've certainly experienced one of the following situations

  • While talking to someone, something is stirring inside you. Yet, there seems to be no way to figure out what it is.  
  • A vague sense of "there is something significant" about a topic you are familiar with keeps surfacing. You can't find the words to adequately express this inner richness,  and you feel frustrated.
  • Or you are working on a task and cannot find a suitable approach to its complexity. You are stuck.
  • Even when you finally complete a project, you are left with a sinking feeling when you look back on it. Because, in an odd way, you know you have more to say.

Thinking at the Edge (TAE) is a method for getting in touch with your felt meanings and articulating them with fresh and precise language. 

TAE is based on E.T. Gendlin's philosophy of the implicit and has its origins in a course on theory building that Gendlin taught at the University of Chicago. But you don't have to build a theory to benefit from the thinking that TAE teaches. 

TAE's structured learning steps will help you find your distinctive voice whenever creative thinking is called for. 

Experience is a myriad richness. We think more than we can say. We feel more than we can think. We live more than we can feel. And there is much more still.

Eugene Gendlin

Benefit from the Support of a Small Group

The 3-Person Course Format

The personal interactions in a small group allow you to engage deeply in your creative thinking process.

Having listeners by your side, you will be encouraged to trust your inner voice and feel confident that you have something unique to say.

The small group allows for adapting the teaching content and pace to individual needs during the exploration process.

The 3-person format accommodates different learning styles by placing participants in various roles: In each of the six sessions, I guide two participants, one in a demonstration and the other in a breakout session, so they get a direct experience. Participants learn by witnessing the demonstrations and discussing the process (not the content). In the breakout sessions, participants are listeners and self-directed practitioners. After the breakouts, questions and difficulties can be addressed immediately, enhancing the TAE partnerships between sessions.

Learn TAE While Working on a Project of Your Choice

Scope of the Course

  • One Individual Session

    The course begins for each participant with an individual session to find a suitable topic and to get into a strong starting place. You will get some individualized questions to prepare for the first group session.

  • Six 2-hours Sessions in a Group of Three Participants

    In each session, I will introduce new TAE steps and their functions, demonstrating the new skills and providing instructions for exercises. You will have time to practice individually and in partnerships, followed by sharing the experience, discussions, and Q&A.

  • TAE Partnerships

    Between the classes, you are asked to do a TAE partnership with each of the two other group members to practice the TAE steps to deepen your understanding of them and to practice listening and taking notes.

  • Learning Material

    You will receive a TAE Partnership Guide at the beginning of the course. I will provide handouts for each session, including the TAE steps presented with comments, additional exercises, and helpful questions. You will receive assignments for the partnership sessions and individual work.

  • Access to a Learning Portal

    You will have permanent access to the learning portal with all the course materials, exercises, readings, and recordings of the sessions.

  • TIFI TAE Proficiency Award

    With this course, you will complete the first part to receive the TAE Proficiency Award from TIFI (International Focusing Institute). You must also attend the 3-person TAE Proficiency course to earn the award.

Layout of the Course

Starting from a bodily felt meaning you will create new concepts and fresh connections within a subject in which you have a profound experience. The TAE steps will be adapted to your process' needs.

  • Session #1 – Finding a good place to start to approach the edge from which to think further (TAE steps 1-2)

  • Session #2 – Dwelling on the edge to unfold the felt meanings with fresh language (TAE steps 3-5)

  • Session #3 – Telling about lived experience (instances) and recognizing new connections (patterns) (TAE steps 6-7)

  • Session #4 – Crossing patterns and instances to deepen your understanding (TAE step 8)

  • Session #5 – Creating new concepts and propositions using logic (TAE step 9-11)

  • Session #6 – Defining the central crux with your newly developed concepts and how to go on from there (TAE step 12+)

Join the 3-Person TAE Course and Embark on a Journey of Creative Thinking.

By the end of the course, you will be able to practice the TAE steps by yourself and understand how they work while deepening your understanding of your topic. You will learn to be a supportive listener in a TAE partnership. And there is much more to gain by getting engaged with TAE when working on a project:

  • The 3-person course can give you a nudge to finally address an issue that has long deserved your attention.

  • You will learn to break limiting patterns of existing concepts and meet irritations about a topic with your perspective.

  • You gain confidence in your inner process and become more confident in the unusual and specific expressions that emerge from it.

  • You deepen your felt sense of creative thinking if Focusing is already valuable to you.

Dates and Times

Dates and times will be set as soon as a 3-person group is formed. The classes are bi-weekly or as agreed with the group.

Before Signing Up

  • Contact me if you are interested in a 3-person TAE course, and let me know your preferred days and times for the classes.
  • Do you have further questions? I am happy to answer them during a free 30-minute information session. Schedule here.

Pricing options

You have the choice to pay at once ($580) or in three slices (3x$195).

Enrollment Process

Once you click the button “Sign up” you will be taken to our secure checkout.
You will be asked to create an account or to sign in when you already have an account.

After the checkout is complete, you’ll receive a receipt and a confirmation email which includes a link for the learning portal.

Please, contact me if you have any difficulties with the enrollment process or if you want to use another payment method.

Hello, I am looking forward to meeting you in one of the courses

Evelyn Fendler-Lee

is a self-employed organizational psychologist, certified person-centered counselor and Focusing trainer with a former researcher and project management career as a material scientist. She encourages deep and interactive thinking for original creations, profound change, and sustainable solutions in her work with individuals and teams.

Evelyn came to Focusing in 2004 and worked with Focusing teachers from different schools, specialized in Thinking at the Edge (TAE), and studied E.T. Gendlin's philosophy. She is a certified Focusing Trainer and a Coordinator-in-Training for The International Focusing Institute.

She has taught TAE internationally since 2012 and is a pioneer in applying TAE to innovation, teamwork, and leadership. She co-developed Thetaland® - The Game of Inquiry and founded Thetaland®-Services to bring principles and practices of Gendlin's philosophy to a broader audience.