Open horizons to bring into being what has not yet been seen

Thetaland® Academy provides online courses and sessions, in-person and virtual workshops to support you to

- overcome blocks and frustration while creating original ideas

- articulate your professional experience and share it with others

- find your voice and deepen your thinking process

The used methods enhance the awareness of your thinking process and provide valuable triggers to tread new paths of thought. With the tools of Thetaland®, deep creative thinking is fun and productive.

Coming soon!

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Learn Thinking at the Edge (TAE) in a 3-Person Course while Working on a Project of Your Choice

Embark on a Journey of Creative Thinking to Unfold Your Inner Knowing and Find Your Voice

Lernen Sie Thinking at the Edge (TAE) in einem 3-Personen Kurs kennen während Sie an einem Project Ihrer Wahl arbeiten

Begeben Sie sich mit dem 3-Personen TAE-Kurs auf eine Reise des kreativen Denkens, um Ihre reiche Erfahrung in eine präzise und unverwechselbare Sprache zu entfalten

Introducing Thetaland® - The Game of Inquiry

A 6-Month Creative Journey with 4 Online Sessions and 24 Weekly Inspirations

Thetaland® - The Game of Inquiry Toolbox

is now available at The International Focusing Institute's Store

Thetaland® - The Game of Inquiry is based on "Thinking at the Edge (TAE)," a practice that emerged from Eugene T. Gendlin's philosophy of the implicit.

Thetaland® is applicable wherever thought is creative. It provides valuable triggers to nudge you beyond your usual ways of thinking and to tread new paths of thought. Thetaland® invites you to turn your attention to topics or themes in your life that may still be unclear or even contradictory. It offers ways to tap into your inner wisdom and express it with precise and precious language.

The components of the Thetaland® Toolbox are:
12 dwellings (dividers) in 6 colors
144 question cards, 12 per dwelling
24 photo cards
12 manual cards, including 1 prologue card and 1 epilogue card

With each purchase of the Toolbox, you support TIFI with $ 5.

Deep Thinking to Move Life and Ideas Forward

A Training & Certification Program based on Experiential Focusing and Thinking at the Edge

The Program 

  • combines Focusing and Thinking at the Edge (TAE) as two practices coming out of Eugene T. Gendlin’s Philosophy of the Implicit,  
  • provides an alternative route to the TIFI certification "Focusing Professional/Trainer,"
  • harvests more of Gendlin’s philosophy by generating more 'practices' from it,
  •  brings felt-sensing to a broader audience by widening the applications.

Listen to the FREE Information Session

The two-year program consists of four courses:

01 Experiential Focusing for Creative Thinking and Personal Growth

  • Being in relation such that a felt sense can form and jell; avenues into felt-sensing
  • Playfully moving between felt sense and symbolization, shifting and receiving
  • Listening and reflecting, partnership
  • Applying felt sensing in daily life 

02 Thought-Movements with the Felt Sense 

  • Integrating TAE and Focusing and enriching  each other and their applications
  • Combining deep thinking and personal growth as two strands that can cross
  • Bringing more of the philosophy into practice and new applications

03 Dipping, Crossing, and Thinking Together

  • Variations of crossing and applications 
  • Formation of a conceptual structure by crossing 
  • Crossing Personal growth and deep thinking 
  • Crossing in teams: Taking in without losing the own point

04 Integration: A Project

  • Introducing TAE as a comprehensive thinking process with its variations and adaptations. 
  • Letting a felt sense form of “something in one's field of knowledge that has not yet been articulated” and explicating from it with the tools already learned 

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Add your email to the mailing list to get the latest updates.

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Thetaland® - The Game of Inquiry

Thetaland®  is a professional game-like tool for education, coaching, and facilitation. It can be used whenever individuals need to be creative, whether they are problem-solving or coming up with brand new ideas.  

  • Thetaland® is used to deepen subject matter and self-reflection. It opens up a creative space for in-depth and topic-oriented interaction with yourself and others.
  • It is a companion to innovative projects in large corporations and small businesses and in nonprofit and government organizations of any size and grassroots movements. 
  • Thetaland® supports the development of visions, missions, and strategies and the design of concrete products or services. 
  • It's a tool for comprehensive scientific theory formation and opens ways to solve complex problems in all these cases.

Click here to get your Thetaland®  Toolkit for group applications.

Click here to get your Thetaland®  Toolbox for individual and one-to-one applications.