Enriching Focusing and Expanding its Applications

Focusing is usually taught in the context of personal growth and psychological development. In addition, Focusing can be understood as a method of thinking with the implicit, as indicated by the title of Chapter VIII of Gendlin's “A Process Model.” We can think with and from a felt sense to move our lives and thoughts forward. 

Reconnecting Focusing to its philosophical roots and to Gendlin's later philosophical work will bring new perspectives on practicing Focusing and expanding its use.

This course will acknowledge our inner experience as a guide to living meaningfully and fostering creative thinking. We will experiment with and experience not only the movements of Focusing and TAE, but also those we can find in Gendlin's writings to create new meaning and move our lives forward.

The course is for you  

  • if you already have some experience in Focusing and Focusing partnerships and are interested in learning more about thinking with and from a felt sense.
  • Or you are seeking a certification path that includes Thinking at the Edge (TAE) and other practices from Gendlin’s philosophy besides Focusing.
  • If you are already certified, you might want to expand your experience and knowledge about the philosophical background of Focusing and TAE and learn more felt-sensing applications. 

The course "Thought-Movements with the Felt Sense" is the second part of the Training  & Certification Program "Deep Thinking to Move Life and Thoughts Forward." It can also function as a "stand-alone" course and a post-trainer training.

Main Features and Learning Objectives

This course integrates many of the concepts and exercises I've developed over the past ten years of teaching Thinking at the Edge and Philosophy-in-Practice classes with the practice of Focusing. The course emphasizes on:

  • Deepen and broaden your Focusing skills; enrich your Focusing practice with TAE steps and practices directly from Gendlin’s philosophy.

  • Understand what Focusing and the TAE steps are about by learning some of Gendlin's basic philosophical concepts.

  • Open up applications beyond Focusing partnerships and personal growth

  • Provide you with exercises that you can use in your teaching and/or application context.

  • Making thinking with and from a felt sense flexible, accessible, and playful with Thetaland®--The Game of Inquiry

Scope of the Course

  • 8 Classes

    I will introduce new material with examples from Gendlin's writing, instructions of exercises, and demonstrations of new skills. You will have time to practice individually and in partnerships, followed by sharing the experience, discussions, and Q&A.

  • 2 Practice Group Meetings

    I will facilitate practice group meetings. You will have plenty of opportunities to practice with the other participants. In the practice group meetings and during the partnerships in the classes, I will work directly with the participants.

  • Access to Learning Portal

    You will have permanent access to the learning portal with all the course materials, exercises, readings, and recordings.

  • Partnership Sessions & Individual Work

    Between classes, you will be asked to practice in partnerships. A total of 20 hours of partnership is expected. Solo practice and reading of selected material will require an additional 2-4 hours per week.

  • Certification

    With this course, you are on your way to getting certified by the International Focusing Institute as Focusing Professional/Trainer. For achieving certification you need to attain two more courses.


Class 1: Open a Space

Interaction first principle – Safety protocol – Self-empathy  

Class 2: Getting a sense of anything 

Experiencing – Emotions – Felt meaning, Felt sense – Clearing a space

Class 3:. Speaking From 

Kinds of symbolization – Naked Saying – Thought-paths  

Class 4: Close Listening

Listening to others: reflecting and paraphrasing; Listening to yourself: understanding yourself 

Class 5: Holding and Letting

Zigzagging between experiencing, symbolizations, and self-empathy to create meaning 

Class 6: Felt Sense Formation and Shifting 

A fresh approach from A Process Model  

Class 7: Crossing as a Practice

Crossing in Focusing – crossing terms – crossing situations 

Class 8: Applications  

For personal growth and creative thinking  

Dates and Times


The classes and practice group meetings will be Thursdays,  

  • Feb 22 and 29 
  • March 14, 21 and 28*  
  • Apr 4, 11, 18 and 25 
  • May 9*, 2024

*March 28 and May 9 are practice group meetings.  


noon/12 pm – 2:30 pm EST / EDT* (New York)  

*Please notice that the USA will change to daylight saving time on Sunday, March 10. Classes from March 14 on will be on EDT (Eastern Daylight Saving Time).

Join the Live Online Course "Thought-Movements with the Felt Sense"

Pricing options

You have the option to pay all at once or in three installments. Registration closes on February 20th.

Enrollment Process

Once you click the button “Sign up now,” you will be taken to our secure checkout.
You will be asked to create an account or to sign in when you already have an account.

After the checkout is complete, you’ll receive a receipt and a confirmation email which includes a link for the learning portal.


  • How much Focusing experience do I need to have tojoin the course?

    You need to have:

    Initial Focusing skills

    Focusing Partnership skills (though not the award)

  • Are there any other pre-requisites for the course, like reading Gendlin’s books?

    No previous reading is required to join this course.

  • Is the course more about learning the philosophy or more about practicing?

    The course is focused on practicing and applying the practices coming out of Gendlin's philosophy. Gendlin’s writing is full of examples of how to think "with the implicit," "beyond patterns," or "at the edge.” We will learn from them.

  • Do I need to / or can I work on a project during the course?

    The course does not require that you are working on a project. However, if you want you can apply all the exercises and practices to one project.

  • What are the other courses of the Program "Deep Thinking to Move Life and Thoughts Forward?"

    The Program consists of four courses:
    #1 Focusing for Thinking and Personal Growth
    #2 Thought-Movements with the Felt Sense (the actual course)
    #3 Crossing and Thinking Together
    #4 Integration: Project, Guiding and Application

    If you already have a Focusing and Focusing partnership experience, you do not need to do course #1.

Do you still have questions?

Don't hesitate to contact me by email or schedule a 30-minute free information session. I am happy to answer your questions.

Evelyn Fendler-Lee

Dr. Evelyn Fendler-Lee is a self-employed organizational psychologist certified as a person-centered counselor and focusing trainer. She encourages deep and interactive thinking for original creation, profound change, and sustainable solutions. In her work with individuals and teams, she integrates her experience from her previous career as a researcher and project manager and from teaching social and personal skills at universities.

With the Thetaland® Academy, she applies the principles and practices of Gendlin's philosophy of the implicit to innovation, teamwork, and leadership, using Thetaland®- The Game of Inquiry she co-developed in 2018.